Actress Tamannaah Bhatia, who makes a special appearance in the song "Aaj Ki Raat" from the upcoming comedy horror film Stree 2, shared a tutorial video of the viral dance steps on Friday. Taking to Instagram, Tamannaah posted a reel video in which she effortlessly grooves to the track "Aaj Ki Raat", sung by Madhubanti Bagchi, Divya Kumar, and Sachin-Jigar.
In the video, Tamannaah is seen wearing a black sleeveless crop top and blue leggings, practicing the dance moves.
The post is captioned: "Thank you for all the love on 'Aaj Ki Raat'. You all asked me how to do the step, so here it is. @vijayganguly made sure that Tabaahi Pakki Hai. And now I can't wait to see you all recreate this on Reels #AajKiRaat #Stree2."
Watch Tamannaah's Tutorial Video on 'Aaj Ki Raat':
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