At the Paris Olympics 2024, Abhishek Bachchan was spotted in the stands, cheering passionately for India's javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra. Chopra, who won a silver medal, made history as the first Indian track-and-field athlete to secure two consecutive Olympic medals. In a touching display of support, Bachchan was seen hugging Chopra, a gesture that melted hearts and highlighted the emotional significance of the moment. Malaika Arora also celebrated the achievement on Instagram, writing, “What a proud moment. Witness it live!” Her post, along with Bachchan’s heartfelt support, underscored the national pride and joy surrounding Chopra’s remarkable performance. PM Narendra Modi Congratulates Neeraj Chopra Over Phone Call After He Wins Silver Medal at Paris Olympics 2024, Says ‘Even Late at Night at 1 AM, People Were Watching You in Action’ (Watch Video).

Abhishek Bachchan Hugs Neeraj Chopra

Abhishek Bachchan Hugs Neeraj Chopra, Malika Arora's IG Post 

Abhishek Bachchan, Neeraj Chopra, Malika Arora's Post (Photo Credits: X/Instagram)

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