Vijayawada, June 27: Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Jaganmohan Reddy on Thursday announced that the 'Amma Odi' programme would be extended to intermediate students as well. Under the scheme, beneficiary students will be given Rs 15,000 to complete their education. To be eligible, the student or his household must possess the white ration card.

The decision was finalised by Reddy at a meeting of education department officials called by him to discuss measures which could benefit the students' community. AP Intermediate Supplementary Result 2019 Declared.

The CM reportedly raised the issue of several students opting out of their studies due to financial woes. To combat the issue, it was decided to extend the benefits of the successful Amma Odi scheme to intermediate students as well.

Update by ANI:

Under the Amma Odi scheme so far, every woman of a 'below poverty line' household is provided Rs 15,000 per annum if she sends her son or daughter to school.

The Chandrababu Naidu-era scheme was meant to incentivise education among the poorest section of the state's populace.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 27, 2019 07:52 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website