Mumbai, August 12: A dramatic incident unfolded in Goregaon, when Shaileshkumar Singh, a 40-year-old driver, was arrested after a 15-minute chase for driving under the influence of alcohol. Following a collision with a bike, Singh sped away from the scene, prompting a traffic constable and a warden to pursue him. Upon intercepting Singh’s car, the constable was met with hostility as Singh not only refused to exit the vehicle but also physically assaulted the officer by grabbing him by the collar. Singh further threatened the constable, vowing to have him fired for stopping his car.
According to a report by the Times of India, the incident began on the evening of August 9 in Goregaon when Singh, a resident of Nallasopara, was involved in a collision with a two-wheeler at Penkarpada junction around 9:15 PM while making a sudden U-turn. Following the accident, the biker, who suffered minor injuries, left the scene without lodging a complaint. Singh, who was reportedly driving under the influence of alcohol, also attempted to evade the situation by speeding away. Birthday Celebration Turns Into Tragedy in Navi Mumbai, ‘Drunk’ Delivery Boy Drowns in Water-Filled Pit While Partying With Friend.
Traffic constable Swapnil Gharat and a traffic warden, who were on night patrol, flagged down Singh’s vehicle. Singh, however, did not stop and a 15-minute chase ensued. During the pursuit, Gharat and the warden tailed Singh’s car until they managed to intercept it. Upon approaching Singh’s vehicle, the constable detected the strong odor of alcohol. Singh reacted aggressively, refusing to exit the car and holding the constable by the collar. He also threatened Gharat, claiming he would “have him fired” for stopping his car. Mumbai Car Stunt: Drunk Man Drives Vehicle While Hanging Out of Door in Andheri, Arrested After Causing Collision; Dangerous Video Surfaces.
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