2020 is a leap year which means finally people having a birthday on February 29 will be able to celebrate. And they deserve one heck of a celebration because they don't get the opportunity every year. But did you know some of the most famous personalities in the world were born on February 29? Some celebrities from all walk of life blow their birthday candles on this day. People who are born on February 29 are considered to be special. The date is unique and not everyone gets a chance to have that date. But did you know there is one person who was born and even died on February 29?

From celebs in India to people outside the country, less than 0.07% of the world's population was born on a leap day. Be it the former Indian Prime Minister Moraji Desai who was born on 29 February 1896 to Sir James Wilson, former top leader of the state of Tasmania, was also born on 29 February 1812. It is a strange coincidence that he also died on February 29 in 1880. Some of the famous actors or actresses are born on February 29 as well. The list includes Indian actress Varsha Usgaonkar, Danis Farina Jarool, Ken Forrey, Shawl Williams, Phyllis Frailis (US), Alex Rocco, Antonio Sabato Jr. Italy, Frank Woodley, Jonathan Coleman Australia, Joss Auckland,

Some of the famous players in the world have also been born on 29 February. Some of these important personalities like Indian player Adam Sinclair, Canadian players Cam Ward, Henry Richard, Laden Byers, Simon Gagne, Bobby Sangunetti were born on February 29. Here are some other famous people born on February 29 aka Leap day:

Lena Gercke

Lena Johanna Gercke was born on February 29, 1988. The German beauty is a popular fashion model and television host.

Tempest Storm

Extremely famous, Annie Blanche Banks, also known as "Tempest Storm," was born on February 29 as well. The American actress and burlesque star, is now 81 years old.

Morarji Desai

None other than the former Prime Minister of India was born on Leap day.

Rukmini Devi

One of the most famous classical dancers who is said to be a 'Bharatnatyam' expert was born on February 29.

Adam Sinclair

Indian field hockey team member, the very famous Adam Sinclair was born on leap day.

Many of the world's most popular football-playing players are born on February 29 including Bryce Poup America, Benedikit Houdes Germany, Darren Ambrose Scott Gaul Baun, British player Clinton Tupi New Zealand etc.

The Christian religious leader, Paul Paul-3, was also born on this day in the year 1468.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Feb 27, 2020 07:48 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).