You know that you must sit up straight while working on your desktop or while commuting by that local transport. But, maintaining proper posture outside the work station or the dinner table is often overlooked. Did you ever think of the right posture to run? Let us accept that we may not even have thought about it even once. However, it is crucial to adopt proper running form before beating the jogger's track or the pavement for your next training run. Here are the posture tips to keep in mind while running.

Importance of Proper Running Form

When you are running, you are engaging your entire body in some way. Involving the whole body appropriately on the run helps you stay strong and efficient. The runners who compete in races see faster pace times when they also focus on form while training. For the best results, you must run efficiently in good form. When you maintain proper body position, you use less energy to run faster. Thankfully, getting into proper form is not as difficult as you may think. Just stay relaxed to avoid any extra tension and conserve your valuable energy. Can’t Breathe in Your Face Mask? Ways to Strengthen Your Lungs to Increase Your Carbon Dioxide Tolerance and Your Ability to Wear a Mask.

Tips to Master Good Running Form From Head to Toe

Head: Keep your head in a neutral position with your eyes focused straight ahead. Exercising During Pregnancy Can Reduce Labour Pain & Time: Best Exercises for a Mum-To-Be.

Shoulders: Your shoulders should be relaxed while you pull back the shoulder muscles. 

Arms: Hold your arms at 90 degrees and ensure that you do not clench your hands. Fitness Tips for Weight Loss: Here are Some Exercises to Work Your Whole Body.

Torso and Hips: You must, at all times, keep a long spine while leaning slightly from the hips.

Legs: Drive your knees with each running step. Health Risks of Shapewear: Here's how The Compression Garments are Ruining Your Body.

Feet: Always land on balls of your feet, and push off the ground rather than lifting off.

What's more, it is essential to place your head over shoulders, shoulders over hips and hips over the mid-foot upon landing. You should also swing your ars directly ahead to make the whole experience better.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 03, 2020 12:03 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website