A disturbing video showing a brutal assault on a woman inside a car in Delhi has gone viral on social media, sparking outrage. The incident reportedly occurred in South Delhi's Greater Kailash area on the night between Saturday and Sunday. The video, shared by user Ajay Joe on X, shows a man engaged in a heated argument with a woman before launching a violent attack, punching and abusing her. As the assault unfolded, the man noticed he was being recorded and quickly drove away with the woman still in the car. Ajay Joe, who posted the video, also provided the car's registration number and the exact location of the incident, tagging the Delhi Police's official X handle to alert authorities. Despite this, there was no immediate response from the police at the time of reporting. Delhi Shocker: Neighbour Abducts and Murders Girl Child in Kapashera Area, Dumps Body in Drain; Arrested.

Woman Assaulted in Delhi (Disturbing Video)

Women and Child Helpline Numbers:

Childline India – 1098; Missing Child and Women – 1094; Women’s Helpline – 181; National Commission for Women Helpline – 112; National Commission for Women Helpline Against Violence – 7827170170; Police Women and Senior Citizen Helpline – 1091/1291.

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