Actress Richa Chadha will be seen sharing screen space with her beau Ali Fazal in the upcoming series 'Call My Agent: Bollywood'. She calls it a blessing as she shot opposite the actor for the first time. Directed by Shaad Ali, 'Call My Agent: Bollywood', the Indian adaptation of a French show, featuring Aahana Kumra, Ayush Mehra, Rajat Kapoor along with cameos of several Bollywood celebrities - Farah Khan, Ali, Richa, Lara Dutta, Jackie Shroff, Dia Mirza, releases on October 29 on Netflix. Call My Agent – Bollywood Trailer: Aahana Kumra, Ayush Mehra, Rajat Kapoor, Soni Razdan Are The Coolest, Smartest And Quirkiest Talent Agents! (Watch Video).

Richa said: "It was a really blessing to be shooting opposite Ali for the first time. I love the French show and I am happy someone thought it could work in the Indian setting." 'Call My Agent: Bollywood' is inspired by the French multi-season show, 'Dix Pour Cent' (Ten Per Cent). The show offers hilarious glimpses into the world of glitz, glamour and drama. OTT Releases of The Week: Soni Razdan's Call My Agent - Bollywood on Netflix, Emraan Hashmi's Dybbuk - The Curse is Real on Amazon Prime Video, Kriti Sanon's Hum Do Hamare Do on Disney+ Hotstar and More.

Richa added: "The director was so open to ideas, he allowed us to improvise and come up with comedic lines. Shaad is cooking up a treat and I cannot wait for the release."

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 28, 2021 05:56 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website