A temple in Karnataka's Bengaluru has been decked with currency notes and coins worth Rs 65 lakh ahead of the Ganesh Chaturthi festival! Every year, the Sri Sathya Ganapathy Temple in Bengaluru's JP Nagar adds a special touch to its premises during the Ganesh Puja festivities. Though this time, they went above and beyond, decorating the temple with hundreds of coins and currency notes ranging in amounts from Rs 10 to Rs 500. In the previous years, the temple decorated Ganpati's idol using eco-friendly materials such as flowers, maize and raw bananas as part of the Ganesh Chaturthi festivities. 'Richest' Ganpati of Mumbai: Lord Ganesh Idol of GSB Seva Mandal Adorned With 69 Kg Gold, 336 Kg Silver (Watch Video).

Bengaluru Temple Decorated With Coins, Currency Notes Worth Rs 65 Lakh

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